Designed and carried out as a shimming plaster to lay on SoKoVerd.LV, SoKoVerd.XL and KoFlex, light natural cork panels. The thermal covering insulation system for outdoor, made of light cork (BioVerd coating), is certified according to ETA and CE standards.
The preparation of the KoMalt.G mortar takes place by mixing, in a suitable container, the content of a bag with 6,25 litres of water. It is recommended to use a mechanical mixer in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture with a good workability. Once mixed, it is necessary to lay the product on the cork panel surface with a stainless steel knife. Please check the step for the BioVerd coating realization.
Item specification
… KoMalt.G shimming plaster made of lime, cement, calcareous sand, and aggregates for the thermal covering insulation system for outdoor, made of light cork (BioVerd coating), and certified according to ETA and CE standards …
… KoMalt.G shimming plaster made of lime, cement, calcareous sand, and aggregates for the thermal covering insulation system for indoor, made of light cork (BioVerd coating) …