Use and application
Due to its excellent features, it is particularly suitable for eco-friendly buildings with reduced environmental impact and low energy consumption.
The most appreciated features are: low thermal conductivity, high transpiration, high mass, high elasticity, very low thermal diffusion, high acoustic absorption, high humidity resistance. The SoKoVerd.AF cork panels are used, with dry laying or by means of PraKov adhesive, for thermal, hygrometric and acoustic insulation of:
- Pitch and plane coverings
- Garrets
- Intermediate floors
- Ground-floors and non-heated spaces
- False ceilings in dry systems
- Counter walls in dry systems
- Cavities of outside walls
- Partitions
- Counter-caisson for reinforced concrete structures
- Inside walls and ceilings with covering system for indoor
- Walls with covering system for outdoor
Item specification
… Ecological and transpiring insulating layer composed of compact light natural cork panels, SoKoVerd.AF, thickness … cm of selected quality …
The SoKoVerd.AF has no negative effects on the healthiness and transpiration of inside spaces because it is totally composed of natural cork. Thanks to its nature, it doesn’t cause allergies and doesn’t produce irritating dust during the processing step and the laying. The SoKoVerd.AF is comparable, for its nature, to a wooden element.
VOC Emission: A + (French Decree 2011-321)
Emissive qualities were tested in a voluntary way through methods that allow to determine the presence of any volatile compounds emitted by the product in its operating conditions. These tests were performed by means of DHS spectrophotometric analysis on the 89 substances indicated in the EPA list (Environmental Protection Agency) 8260 C 2006, by obtaining a very positive result and values under the instrumental recording limit.
SoKoVerd.AF panels are obtained by grinding cork barks.
The barks picking doesn’t require tree felling. Barks grow back naturally, without chemical fertilizers and a new picking is possible after only ten years. Therefore the cork is a renewable and inexhaustible resource. The picking process is manually done, with just a minimum use of machinery. Production and transport require a low energy consumption because of the lightness of the product. Production wastes (dust, etc.) are burned to produce thermal energy, used for the same production or in agriculture. Processing wastes are completely reusable.