Research and Development
Total quality
To obtain and maintain high-quality products to offer to the market, Coverd has invested and continues to invest in the research and technological development, using well-advanced technologies and equipment for acoustic (phonometry, vibrometry, intensimetry, signal analysis, etc.) and thermal analysis (IR thermography, thermal flow measurement, etc.).
Thirty years of experience of the technical staff is the surplus value: “to invest in the value” is the philosophy that today Coverd wants to propose to the European market.
All products have been registered to ensure their exclusivity, result of years of technological research and practical solutions development.
The conscience towards the subjects of the green building, persuaded Coverd to publish the Bioedilizia® magazine that has become, in over 25 years, the reference point for the operators of the building industry.
The great attention to the subjects of the architectural acoustic, has facilitate the publication of a second magazine, Audiodinamika®, now in its fourteenth year of life.
Coverd registered the “Eco-friendly Bio-climatic Green-Building®” trademark, to ensure its quality.
With respect to VOC emissions, the SoKoVerd light cork panel belongs to the A+ emission class according to the AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-9 regulation.